My passport has been sitting on my desk since I arrived, and it is now collecting dust, literally there are dust particles on it. I think that means I have been in this country for awhile. My time in Singapore has been a lot of fun. Although Dorothy spoke the truth when she said; "there is no place like home", I have grown to become rather fond of certain aspects of Singaporean culture. I know I complained a lot about the food in Singapore in some of my first posts, but I am happy to say that Singapore has redeemed itself (sort of). I feel like I owe it to the country to rave about some of the food here that I actually have come to...wait for! Plus, I think my best friend Zack, would get great pleasure knowing that I dedicated a whole post to food.
1. Bubble Tea. This stuff is SO good, and you can find it just about everywhere. They have tons of different flavors, but I prefer the ones that are creamier. They serve the tea with "pearls" inside, which is where beverage gets its name. I have no idea what the pearls are, but I like them. They are gummy, and sometimes they are filled with some random substance, so when you bite down the bubble bursts.
2. Pastries. When I think of pastries I think of Europe, more specifically France, not some tiny country in South East Asia. However, Singapore has a severe sweet tooth. They have tons of bakeries all over this place, filled with croissants, muffins, cupcakes, tarts, and the list continues. All of the stores have their goodies on display and everything looks to die for! Green tea muffins are my current "go to".
3. Dragon Fruit. Singapore has a wide variety of fruit, it is a very tropical place, so obviously the fruit here is very different than the standard apples and oranges in America. The dragon fruit is my favorite of the new fruit that I have tried while abroad. I don't really know how to explain the taste without using vague words like "refreshing" and "juicy", so just take my word for it.
4. Homemade Iced Lemon Tea. For those of you that know me pretty well, it is a common fact that I am addicted to diet drinks, specifically Diet Dr Pepper and Diet Coke. They are my drink of choice, and I choose to drink them all of the time. There is no Diet Dr Pepper in Singapore, and Coke Light(Diet Coke) is expensive, therefore I am learning to love other drinks. Iced lemon tea tastes just like it sounds, and honestly I feel better about guzzling that stuff than my artificially flavored diet drinks. I may even try to cut back on my diet sodas once I get back, but that's still up in the air.
5. Gelato. I was a big fan of gelato before coming to Singapore, but for some reason I think it's better over here. They seem to have a wider variety and I am always hot here, so maybe the fact that it helps cool me down has something to do with it. Speaking of ice cream, I tried corn, and yam flavored ice cream the other day with my host family, it was not that bad, it was no gelato though.
You may have notice that the foods I mentioned were all sweet foods, mainly because I am still not a fan of the "real" food, I have about had it with rice and noodles, and if another person asks me if I want to add "chili" to my meal I might punch them. Just kidding about the punching, but it's getting a bit old...
Bridget, I love that these are all sweets and drinks, and I don't know what I'd do without DDP (diet dr. pepper). Stay strong, you'll be able to enjoy an ice cold Sonic Route 44 in no time. I hope you enjoy and make the most of the time you have left :)